Professor Stephany Griffith-Jones - Economist
The CV below was last updated in 2008. You can also download this February 2008 Word version here.
Economist researching and providing policy advice on capital flows; macro-economic management of capital flows in developing and transition countries and reform of international financial architecture from a development perspective. Led several major international research projects on international financial and macro-economic issues with networks of senior academics, policy-makers and bankers from developed and developing countries. Published widely, having written or edited eighteen books and numerous journal and other articles. Has advised many international organisations (the European Commission, the World Bank, various UN agencies (UNDP, UNICEF, DESA, ECLAC), IADB and several governments and Central Banks, including the UK, Chilean, Swedish, Tanzanian, Brazilian and Czech. Organised and directed several major international conferences and workshops (in collaboration with IMF, World Bank, the United Nations, Commonwealth Secretariat and others).
Subject of thesis: The role of finance in transition.
Professional Experience
2008 – 2009 |
Executive Director, Initiative for Policy Dialogue, Columbia University |
2000 – 2007 |
Professorial Fellow, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex |
1977 – 2000 |
Researcher, then Senior Researcher, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex |
2005 (Feb-July) |
Senior Official UNDESA headed by the UN Under-Secretary General for Economic Affairs, Jose Antonio Ocampo, working on Financing for Development Report (WESS 2005) for Heads of State |
2005 Sept-Nov |
UNDESA, Led work on GDP-linked bonds |
2000 (all year) |
Head of International Finance, Commonwealth Secretariat |
Previous Years 1970-72 |
Head of the Department of Credit for the Public Sector at the Central Bank of Chile. |
1970-72 |
Member of the Board of Directors of Banco O’Higgins, Chile |
Major Research Activity:
(all these projects resulted in books and papers)
Books and Monographs
2006 International Finance and Development, Orient Longman: United Nations, Ocampo, JA, Kregel, J, and Griffith-Jones, S
2003 From Capital Surges to Drought, Seeking Stability for Emerging Economies, Palgrave. Stephany Griffith-Jones and Ricardo Ffrench-Davis (eds).
2003 What progress on international financial reform? Why so limited? EGDI Sweden, Stephany Griffith-Jones and Jose Antonio Ocampo
2003 International Capital Flows in Calm and Turbulent Times, with Ricardo Gottschalk and Jacques Cailloux, The University of Michigan Press
2001 Managing Capital Surges in Emerging Markets, (with Manuel Montes and Anwar Nasution), Oxford University Press
2001 Developing Countries and the Global Financial System, Stephany Griffith-Jones and Amar Bhattacharya (eds). Commonwealth Secretariat.
1999 Managing Capital Flows in Turbulent Times, (with Z. Drabek), M.E. Sharpe
1998 Global Capital Flows, should they be regulated? Macmillan and St. Martin’s Press. Preface by Nobel prize winner Prof. James Tobin
1995 Surges in Capital Flows to Latin America, (with R. Ffrench-Davis), Lynee Rienner also Spanish and Portuguese
1994 Evaluation of IDB lending to the Latin Americas and Caribbean, (with H. Singer, C. Stevens and A. Puyana), IDS Research Report, 25
1994 Loan Guarantees for Large Infrastructure Projects: The Issues and Possible Lessons for a European Facility, Luxembourg: EEC Office for Official Publications of the European Community. Published also in French, German and Spanish.
1994 Financial Sector Reform in Central and Eastern Europe, (editor with Z. Drabek), Macmillan
1992 Debt, Cross-Conditionality and Banking Regulations, (with E. Rodriguez), Macmillan
1989 Third World Debt: Managing the Consequences, London: International Financing Review
1988 Managing World Debt, Wheatsheaf; and in Spanish, Fondo Cultura Econmica, Mexico
1987 Chile to 1991, Economist Intelligence Unit, July
1986 The Crisis of International Debt and National Development, (with O. Sunkel), also in Spanish, and Portuguese
1985 World Prices and Development, (with C. Harvey), Gower
1984 Latin America and International Finance, Croom Helm; and in Spanish, Finanzas Internacionales y Latinomerica, ALIDE
1981 The Role of Finance in the Transition, UK and US: Frances Pinter and Allanheld Osmun, October
2007 The Pro-cyclical Impact of Basle II on Emerging Markets and its Political Economy, Stephany Griffith-Jones, and Avinash Persaud, in Stiglitz and Ocampo (eds), Capital market liberalization, OUP, forthcoming
2006 Report on Derivatives Markets: Stabilizing or Speculative Impact on Chile and a Comparison with Brazil, Stephany Griffith-Jones and Randall Dodd, report for CEPAL/ECLAC with IADB support
2006 GDP Bonds: Making it Happen, Stephany Griffith-Jones and Krishnan Sharma, DESA Working Paper No. 21
2006 The Dilemmas and Dangers of the Build-up of US Debt; Proposals for Policy Responses, Jane d'Arista, and Stephany Griffith-Jones, forthcoming in Global Imbalances and the US Debt Problem: The Challenges for Developing and Developed Countries, FONDAD
2005 “Should capital controls have a place in the future international monetary system?” Stephany Griffith-Jones, Ricardo Gottschalk, John Williamson, in Marc Uzan (ed) The future of the International Monetary System, Elgar.
2004 European Financial Institutions: A useful inspiration for developing countries?
Stephany Griffith-Jones, Alfred Steinherr, and Anna Fuzzo de Lima,
Paper prepared for the United Nations seminar on “Regional Financial Arrangements” held in New York July, forthcoming in book
2004 Basel II & CAD3: Response to the UK Treasury’s Consultation Paper, Stephany Griffith-Jones, Miguel Segoviano and Stephan Spratt.
2004 Costs of Currency Crises and Benefits of International Financial Reform, Stephany Griffith-Jones and Ricardo Gottschalk in: Asia 2015 Bulletin
2004 Alternative Loan Guarantee Mechanisms and Project Finance for Infrastructure in Developing Countries, Stephany Griffith-Jones and Ana Fuzzo de Lima in: Inge Kaul, Pedro Conceição, Katell Le Goulven, and Ronald U. Mendoza (eds), Providing Global Public Goods: Managing Globalization. New York: Oxford University Press.
2003 “How to Prevent the New Basel Capital Accord Harming Developing Countries”, Stephany Griffith-Jones. Paper presented at the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings at Dubai in September 2003.
2003 The Benefits of a Broader Basel, Central Banking Quarterly, Volume XIII, No.3
2003 Basel II and Developing Countries: Diversification and Portfolio Effects, Stephany Griffith-Jones, Miguel Segoviano and Stephen Spratt, ECLAC Review.
2002 Bumps on the road to Basel: An anthology of views on Basel 2. Stephany Griffith-Jones and Stephen Spratt. Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation. London.
2001 'An International Financial Architecture for Crisis Prevention', in Financial Crises in 'Successful' Emerging Economies', edited by Ricardo Ffrench-Davis, ECLAC/Ford Foundation Project. English and Spanish.
2001 'Facing the Volatility and Concentration of Capital Flows', (with Jose Antonio Ocampo) in Reforming the International Financial System: Crisis Prevention and Response, Jan Joost Teunissen, ed., FONDAD, The Hague, pp.31-63. Just published.
2000 'Proposals for a Better International Financial System,' World Economics, vol. 2, April - June.
1999 'Stabilising Capital Flows to Developing Countries' in J. Grieve-Smith and J. Michie. The International Financial System. Routledge.
1998 Regulatory Challenges for Source Countries of Surges in Capital Flows’, in Jan Joost Teunnisen (ed.), The Policy Challenges of Global Financial Integration, FONDAD, The Hague
1998 How to Protect Developing Countries from Volatility of Capital Flows’. Main background paper for Commonwealth Finance Ministers.
1997 Managing Capital Inflows in the CEEC’, (with Zdenek Drabek), Journal of Transforming Economies and Societies, Vol. 4 No. 4. Autumn
1996 The Mexican Peso Crisis’, CEPAL Review, No. 60, pp 151-170
1995 Nuevas tendencias financieras globales: implicaciones para el desarrollo’, (with B. Stallings), in Pensamiento Iberoamericano: Revista de Economía Política, No. 27. (I also edited this whole issue on International Finance).
1994 'Private capital returns to Latin America', (with Ana Marr and Alicia Rodriguez), in Graham Bird and Ann Helwege (eds), Latin America's Economic Future, London: Academic Press, pp 81-108
1994 'New patterns of macro-economic governance', (with Prof. Sir Hans Singer), UNDP Discussion Paper
1993 'Globalisation of financial markets: new challenges for regulation' in R. Cooper et al., Managing the International Financial System, The Hague: FONDAD
1992 'Conversion of official bilateral debt: the opportunities and the issues', Paper prepared for 1992 World Bank Annual Development Economics Conference in Washington; published in Proceedings of World Bank Annual Development Conference on Development Economics 1992: Supplement to The World Bank Economic Review and The World Bank Research Observer, Washington, D.C.
1992 'The return of private capital to Latin America: the facts, an analytical framework and some policy issues' in J. Williamson et al., Fragile Finance: Rethinking the International Monetary System, The Hague: FONDAD
1991 'Creditor countries' banking and fiscal regulations: can changes encourage debt relief?', Journal of Development Studies, 27 (3): 167-191, April
1991 'International financial markets: a case of market failure' in Christopher Colclough and James Manor (eds), States or Markets? Neo-liberalism and the Development Policy Debate, Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp 101-120
1989 'Options for dealing with the debt problem of middle-income countries', The European Journal of Development Research, Third World Debt: How Sustainable are Current Strategies and Solutions?, 1 (2), December
1986 'The role and resources of the IMF' in M. Posner (ed.), International Monetary Adaptation, IMF/ODI
1985 'Proposals to manage debt problems; review and suggestions for further research', Study commissioned by ESRC; Development Policy Review, 3 (2), November
1985 'External debt: SSA's emerging iceberg', (with R. Green), in T. Rose (ed.), Crisis and Recovery in Sub-Saharan Africa, Paris: OECD
1985 'Ways forward from the debt crisis', Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2 (1), Winter.
1984 'International lenders of last resort: are changes required?' (with M. Lipton), Towards a New Bretton Woods Commonwealth Economic Papers, 18, London: Commonwealth Secretariat. Also published as Midland Bank International Occasional Paper,
1984 'Private international finance and industrialisation of LDCs', (with E. Rodriguez), Journal of Development Studies, 21 (1), October
1980 'The growth of multinational banking, the Euro-currency market and the countries of the periphery', Journal of Development Studies, January
1979 'The alliance for progress: an attempt at interpretation', Development and Change, July
1978 'A critical evaluation of popular unity's short-term and financial policy', World Development, July/August
Newspaper and Magazine Articles (selected):
2006 A Bond that insures against instability, Financial Times, 11/07/06, (With Robert Shiller)
2003 Encouragement for emerging markets. The Banker (Bracken column) August
2003 A capital idea that will hurt poorer countries. Financial Times, 13 May
2000 A New Financial Architecture for Development. The Guardian.
1998 The case for capital controls. Emerging Markets Investor.
1989 'Trading debt for development', Latin Finance, May
1989 'Regulatory pressures and the Brady plan', (with R. Culpeper), Financial Times, 22 November
1987 'No direction for the main actors in the world debt drama', The Guardian, l6 April
1986 'Small debtors show the way to big loans', The Guardian, 24 December
1983 'The attraction of re-discounting bad debts', The Guardian, 4 March
1981 'Oil money fuels new loan cycle', article in The Guardian, 13 November.
1985-2006 Many interviews and articles in Mexican, Chilean, Venezuelan, British, German, Czech, Spanish, Malaysian and other newspapers. Interviews with Reuters, BBC (radio and TV), etc.
Major Consultancy Activities:
2007 G-24 Role of Regional Development Banks
2007 Derivatives Markets in Brazil. CEPAL/Ford
2006 Proposals for improving the EIB. Report for DFID.
2004 UNDP, Cost of Currency Crises and Benefits of International Financial Reform.
UN: Lessons for Developing Countries; the role of the EIB on financial mechanisms for regional integration.
2003 For IADB study on Financial Mechanisms for accession; lessons from Europe for Latin America.
2002 Consultancy for DFID on Improving Voice of Developing Countries in the World Bank.
2001 Consultancy for UNDP on bargaining strategy for developing countries in UN Finance for Development (for Monterrey Conference).
2001 Consultancy for UNDP on New Financial Architecture as a Global Public Good.
2000 Consultancy for DFID on the role of the World Bank in middle-income countries.
2000 Consultancy for UNCTAD on capital account liberalisation, lessons from OECD experience.
1999 Consultant for IPEA (Brazilian think tank) on Investment in Infrastructure.
1998-9 Preparing report for G-24 and UNCTAD on The Role of the BIS for developing countries.
1998 Consultant for Argentine Ministry of Trade on Encouraging Investment in Infrastructure; Lessons from Europe and Argentina and Mercosur.
1997-2002 Several consultancies for the European Commission on European capital flows to Latin America, and preparing background documents for negotiations between the EU and Mercosur on capital flows between the EU and Chile, as well as between the EU and the Andean region.
1997-8 Consultancy for ECLAC on international financial and macro-economic aspects of evaluating impact of market reforms on growth and income distribution in Latin America.
1996-97 Advisor to President Cardoso of Brazil on macro-economic management of capital flows and nature of private flows
Advising the Czech National Bank, on behalf of the UK Know How Fund, on managing capital flows, avoiding currency crisis and inflation targeting.
1993 Led team on a major evaluation of the Inter-American Development Bank lending activity. Outcome: IDS Research Report, 25, 1994. Seminars atIADB.
1992 Consultant to Inter-American Development Bank/Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) on 'Lessons from West European integration for western hemisphere integration'.
1992 Consultant for European Commission on creation of new guarantee facility at EIB, to fund large infrastructure projects. Lessons from and for developing countries. Was background paper for creation of European Investment Fund, a 3 billion Ecu (Euro) facility.
1991 Study for UNCTAD and Italian government; official debt conversion for equity swaps and marketisation of official debt,
1991 Consultant Chilean government on external debt conversion for social spending in Chile and on debt renegotiation.
1990 Consultant for European Commission PHARE Programme on Czechoslovak market reforms and criteria for EC aid.
Aug-Oct 1983 Consultant for UNCTAD on African external debt. Resulted in major report.
Lecturing IDS MPhil students every year since 1978; Supervising MPhil/DPhil students; Director (six years) on annual ODA course at IDS for senior British officials. Individual lectures and seminars given at universities worldwide.
Additional Activities: